QCA Add-In

Instruction for fsQCA


To use the Add-In, open the Excel file available here. The Add-In comes with a digital signature issued to Lasse Cronqvist. Please check this signature in Excel (sadly, signatures are not shown on MacOS). If you are requested to confirm the use of the document, do so.

Then, to perform a simple fsQCA calculation, select the QCA menu in the menu bar. The QCA menu should be placed at the right side in the menu bar.

Select data

Select the data to be included in the analysis in the data file. The data can be placed anywhere in the data sheet, but the name of the conditions and the outcome must be found in the first row and this row must be selected as well.

Perform the fsQCA

Select the fsQCA item in the QCA menu.

If the data selected is a valid data set for fsQCA analysis, the fsQCA Window will appear.

In this window, select the case ID, outcome and conditions by selecting their names in the variables detected list and click the appropriate button.
Then select the outcome value (0 or 1) to be analysed.
Press prepare fsQCA to retrieve the truth table and the consistency values of the configurations in the truth table.

Calculate the solutions

After reviewing the truth table, enter the threshold used to determine the outcome values of the rows in the truth-table. Please use a dot as decimal point (use 0.8 not 0,8).

Enable the checkbox Include Logical Remainders if you want to include the logical remainders in the solutions. If QCA Notation is checked, the prime implicants and the solutions for fsQCA data sets will be shown using a upper-/lower-case notation. Else, set notation will be used (e.g. A{0}*B{1} in set notation equals a*B in upper-/lower-case notation.)
Press the apply+minimize button and the results will be shown in a new worksheet named fsQCA Result.

Result display

The results are shown in the fsQCA Result worksheet.

  Add-In main page

Preparing thresholds for csQCA

  HowTo csQCA

  HowTo fsQCA

Source of data: Ragin, Charles C. 2009. 'Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using Fuzzy Sets (fsQCA)'. In Benoît Rihoux und Charles C. Ragin (eds.) Configurational Comparative Methodes. Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Related Techniques, 87-121. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

If you use the add-in, please cite like this: Cronqvist, Lasse. 2019. QCA Add-In [Version 1.1]. University of Trier. Internet: https://www.tosmana.net/qcaaddin/

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